John Free
JoinedPosts by John Free
UK Charity Commision reports on Moston, Manchester Congregation.
by snugglebunny in
I need some help
by Akid48 inwell let me start with my age is 13 and i have been thinking about this jw thing and i need help i just dont know if i want to be one any more.. the help i need is some one to send me some links to places i can research i just dont know if i want to study with a jw any more..
John Free
I said you we're smart! Sad that you have to do these things but the jw leadership is well aware that if you can control a person's information- then you can control the person. Preventing current members from communicating with former members is a key identifying mark of a cult. It took me 3 decades to work that out but you've got it at 13!
I need some help
by Akid48 inwell let me start with my age is 13 and i have been thinking about this jw thing and i need help i just dont know if i want to be one any more.. the help i need is some one to send me some links to places i can research i just dont know if i want to study with a jw any more..
John Free
Everything is going to be okay akid48. You seem to have picked up on the fact that JWs only like answering certain questions, if you ask questions that truly challenge their belief-they will avoid the question and eventually the questioner. Well done for that. You're still Young and have plenty of time to plan your future and strategy for leaving this group. For now my advice is 1. Avoid confrountation with jw family about their beliefs. This will get you nowhere. 2. Work hard at school in order to one day be independent. 3. Return to this site in secret to seek advice, people here do care and can guide you.
truly you have nothing to fear and you are smarter than me and many on this site who wasted years of life in this group. You have time on your side too.
welcome to the forum.
I left the organization
by Issa ini left the organization.
my awakening was this month of july, the first week of july.
i couldn't answer my own questions about the organization or the doctrines, i couldn't understand the prophecies, i couldn't figure quite well what i was feeling.
John Free
Hello Issa, welcome to freedom. As others have suggested it may be wise to hold off on the DA until you have more perspective. It is something that cannot be reversed and in some ways its what the cult would want you to do, since they can control your family more without your influence. Regardless of how you play it, a warm welcome!
Hi from England
by victimofdeceit inrecently quit being a jw because i realised that beyond armageddon i was going to be ruled by people who cover up child abuse, not telling the congregations by their letter where the money they donated in the box is going towards paying compensation for legal battles which they caused, and also i was bullied by elders and discriminated against for being homosexual, even though i am not practicing it.
it wasn't until i threatened legal action for a breach of confidence that the elders were deleted.
so through the media and my own personal experience, i realised that they were no different to corrupt businesses in the world.
John Free
Greetings from Wales victim of deceit. Welcome to the forum. Things, I assure you, will get better as time passes.
The REAL Reason I Stopped Going to Meetings
by NoviceLocs14 into sum it up in all one word...pride.. i've always kind of attributed my subconscious "fade" to shame for living a double life by dating my non-jw boyfriend (now husband) while serving as a pioneer in the foreign language field.
but i was actually pretty regular for awhile.. my pioneer hours did start to dwindle, however.
i had always struggled with the hourly requirement, but i was really struggling now.
John Free
No it wasn't pride. The washtowel simply creates an environment of absolute humility- in order to exert its control more fully over the drones. So that elders will be obeyed, so that doctrinal flip flops will never be questioned by the subdued subservients. You however were too strong for them, they couldn't bully you into submission.
10 years on.....
by snare&racket ini was a window cleaner, i was at the time unemployed, homeless.
i had no education to be proud of (high school one a two b's rest c's) i was a jehovahs witness.
i had been a pioneer.
John Free
Great post Doctor. What a great journey!
Isis and failed prophecy
by snare&racket inhi everybody, hope you are all well!
i read this today and thought of the jw's and you guys.. it's an article from today's paper about isis and a recent victory over the town of dabiq.
isis have long claimed that this will be the city where good will face evil i.e islam v christianity/western powers.
John Free
They could just say that events have taken place invisibly- then after a few decades simply rewrite the past by indicating that's what was prophecied all along... -
My 1 Year Update - I've Been Disfellowshipped One Year Today
by pale.emperor inwhat a journey!.
it was a year ago today that i was announced from the platform by brother paul "twofaced" castley that i was "no longer one of jehovah's witnesses".
i didn't go to that meeting to hear the announcement because i already didn't believe the watchtower religion.. how was my first year?
John Free
Happy freedomaversary pale emp.
resistance is NOT futile.
Dealing with Loneliness and Social Anxiety
by NoviceLocs14 inhello, this is my 1st initiated post on this site, so i'm a bit nervous.
i did search for similar topics on this site, but a lot of them have been inactive for several years, so here goes.... a little background, i was pretty much born in "da twoof", baptized at 17, pioneered for about 6 years, was part of the rbc part time, and was even in the foreign language field for the last 3 years i was a jw.
so i pretty much had a pretty active social life within the organization due to being part of all of those things.
John Free
Hi Novice Locks 14!
Nice to meet you. You are not alone with these feelings. I am also a sufferer, fish out of water syndrome. Well done on starting a topic, and a meaningful one too.
I guess people in general have long since formed their social networks and are not in the same rush we are to form new friends. I came to the conclusion that it takes time and patience. I joined a hiking group a couple of months back, which is good since there is always something to talk about due to the nature of the activity- aliviating social awkwardness, slowly friendships are being formed.
Welcome to the forum.